Mmmm...cheese Danish! I want one, too! Oh, and donkey-shawn means thanx a bunch in German not Danish
White Dove
JoinedPosts by White Dove
Jer 29:10 in the Danish 1993 NWT
by Doug Mason ini have provided a scan of the page from the 1993 danish nwt at:.
please note that the file has four pages.. i give you my word that this is the page referred to by coj.. doug.
Kingdumb Hall Smell
by Wordly Andre inever notice all the kingdumb halls smell the same, like new books or something.
i haven't been inside a kingdumb hall since a funeral i went to a couple years ago, but right when i walked in, it was the same smell.
what got me thinking about this is i have a new book here, smells like kingdumb hall, but i guess what do you expect from a "religion" sorry publishing company, to smell like.
White Dove
I know the smell: old man smell wafting in from the library where JCs occur mixed in with all the old dust on the "old light" books. It's just sort of all mixed together.
White Dove
Wrong crowd? WRONG CROWD?! That would be the RIGHT crowd for me! I hate a hangover so I would just appreciate their down to earth company with a couple of drinks.
How Did you Feel Being Raised as a Jehovah's Witness?
by flipper inquite a thought, huh?
i was raised from birth as my family was in it 7 years before i was born ( 1952).
i remember wanting to go out for school sports in high school as my p.e.
White Dove
A freak and resentful that I didn't have a choice and missed out on many things non-jws have. I missed out on what could have should have been a good relationship with my grandmother and grandfather and aunts and uncles. I missed out on the larger part of my family. Oh, don't even get me started!
by White Dove inthought i would take someone's advice to someone else and use it.
White Dove
Hi Lonely sheep!
I live in Dover, DE.
by White Dove inthought i would take someone's advice to someone else and use it.
White Dove
Thought I would take someone's advice to someone else and use it
White Dove
I am so glad to hear that you are ok. I would suggest a plan to replenish the friend circle you lost and also to take up weight training and cardio as this has been proven to lift people's spirits and out of depression. When your body is being cared for well, your mind follows and makes life much easier to deal with. This is assuming you aren't in a fitness program. I highly recommend getting involved in one.
Is it true that the WT uses hypnosis covertly during KH meetings?
by seatrout ini personally am a sceptic regarding the validity of hypnosis as a form of mind control.
i associate it with entertainment tricks pulled by stage performers.. i never experienced any weird happenings during my only two visits to a kh.
is anyone able to refute me?
White Dove
I never experienced anything weird at my khall, and I've been a JW for 37 years. The only way that this might be possible is the bordom that alters most people's consciousness to a more suseptible level might interfere with judgement in separating the truth from the lie.
a friend sent me this: Disorder in the Courts
by BlackSwan of Memphis inwitness: yes.
witness: we both do.
witness: we do.
White Dove
Is this what JCs are like? I've never been in one, but I get the idea that they can get rediculous.
STD testing!
by kerj2leev inouch!!.
i'm going to preface this story by saying that i haven't been for a physical since high school!.
so i go into the doctor's office the other day, not looking forward to the poking and proding that is going to take place.
White Dove
I didn't know girls have ding-dongs! I don't. Am I missing something? Oh, and I had the pap smear and got checked for std's. Was the speculum painful? They are supposed to use gel on that awful thing. I remember the std test consisted of a cotton swab and I did feel a slight pinch, but that was it.